Doodh Peda - Milk Peda
Doodh Peda - Milk Peda

How to make Doodh Peda Recipe
200 gms sweetened condensed milk
½ tbsp ghee or butter
¾ cup milk powder
a pinch of saffron/kesar
a pinch of nutmeg powder/jaiphal powder
3-4 green cardamoms/hari elaichi/choti elaichi
(measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)
Milk Peda
mix the condensed milk, milk powder and ghee/butter in a microwave safe bowl.
make sure there are no lumps.
crush the cardamoms in a mortar-pestle to a fine powder. discard the peels.
microwave on high for one minute.
add the cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and saffron strands.
stir and microwave on high for one minute. remove and stir again.
microwave for 30 seconds on high and check.
if the mixture looks a bit liquid, microwave again for 30 seconds on high. the mixture would thicken.
it took me exact 3 minutes on high power to get the right consistency.
if the mixture still has moisture and is liquidity, then microwave again on high for 15 to 30 seconds more.
when the mixture becomes mildly hot or warm, shape into small balls.
the mixture is sticky, so apply some oil or ghee while shaping into small balls.
once cooled, store the milk pedas in an air tight box in the refrigerator.
Now doodh pead is ready to serve.
Doodh Pead is a indian traditionally and festival recipe
Microwave oven sweet recipes.
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