Carrot Cream Soup
Carrot Cream Soup

Ingredients for Indian Carrot Cream Soup:
* 340 gms chopped carrots
* 90 gms boiled rice
* 4 cups water
* 30 gms butter
* 3 tsps cornflour
* 1/2 tsp white pepper
* 1 spring onion
* 4 cups milk
* 1 tsp sugar
* 1 tsp chopped coriander leaves
* Salt to taste
Directions for making Indian Carrot Cream Soup:
1. Mix the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little milk.
2. Boil the rest of the milk and stir in the cornflour
paste and cook until it becomes a little thick.
Keep aside.
3. Cook the chopped carrots and onion in butter on
very low fire for five minutes,
being careful not to brown the carrots.
4. Add the milk stock, boiled rice, salt, pepper,
sugar, water and coriander, bring to boil and
simmer, with lid on, for 35 to 40 minutes.
5. Pass through a sieve, reheat and then remove
from the fire and add 30 gms butter.
6. Serve hot. (If carrot soup is too thick, mix a
little milk with it.)
7. Enjoy your Indian Carrot Cream Soup
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