Rava Pongal
Rava Pongal

How to Make Rava pongal recipe
» Rava 1 cup
» Moong Dal 1/2 cup
» Cashew Nuts 10 no
» Ghee 4 tbs
» Curry Leaves
» Chopped Ginger 1 tsp
» Blackpeppercorn 1 tsp
» Cumin Seeds 1 tsp
» Salt to taste
Rava pongal recipe
1. Fry the rava without any oil till it is really hot to touch.
2. Fry the black pepper and cumin seeds in a teaspoon of ghee and make a coarse powder of them.
3. Fry the cashewnuts, curryleaves, chopped ginger and keep aside.
4. Pressure cook the moong dal with 1 cup of water.
5. After the pressure subsides transfer the cooked dal to a heavy bottomed pan and add a cup of water.
6. Add the required salt.
7. Allow this to boil well.
8. Add the fried rava to the above boiling (cooked) moong dhal in small measures and stir continuously till the rava is cooked completely.
9. While the rava is being cooked add the ghee little by little.
10. Finally, add the coarsely powdered pepper and jeera and the fried cashewnuts, curry leaves and chopped ginger.
11. If you want a spicy rava pongal you can also use a teaspoon of chopped green chilly.
12. This goes well with coconut chutney.
Pongal Recipes
Ven Pongal Recipe,
Sakkari pongal /Sweet Pongal
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